
The hot dog is a true American classic. Traipse through any American city, and you’re likely to find vendors selling steamed hot dogs nestled in white buns, often tailored to the residents' eating habits. Chicagoans fiercely defend their version with its snappy Vienna Beef dog, pickles, tomato wedges, onions, highlighter-green relish, yellow mustard, pickled peppers, and celery salt. Cincinnati Coneys feature copious amounts of chili and shredded cheddar with optional diced raw white onions. 

The Los Angeles "danger dog" can most likely be traced to Mexico. This substantial, rich dog hugged in crisped bacon has a tangle of griddled fajita veggies on top, along with ketchup, mustard, and sometimes even mayo and a roasted poblano. To pay homage to Primal Kitchen’s origin city, we crafted our own version of the Los Angeles danger dog. Pair it with our original Unsweetened Ketchup or A Tad Sweet Ketchup and our crisp, air-fried potatoes for a delicious, substantial meal.  

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