Welcome to The Primal Kitchen Podcast, hosted by co-founder Morgan Zanotti. Every week, they're sitting down with the biggest names in the health, wellness, and personal growth space. Listen in on Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music and here on PrimalKitchen.com.
Biohacking For Personalized Healthcare
This week, Morgan chats with author and entrepreneur, Joe Cohen. Joe suffered from a variety of health issues going up: inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety–to name a few. His symptoms and experiences were not well understood by conventional and even alternative medicine, and after years of suffering, that he embarked on a self-experimentation journey to improve his health through biohacking. Joe went on to found SelfDecode, a biotech software platform for DNA and lab-based health recommendations established by your own genes so that you can take charge of your own healthcare with data-driven health decisions. SelfDecode is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing personalized health recommendations based on a combination of your DNA, labs, and environmental factors.
In this chat, Cohen describes to Morgan his thoughts on how the world needs more personalized healthcare, his biohacking system for his food sensitivities and his journey from New York to Israel.
Full Episode on YouTube:
TW: Talk of Suicide
Or download directly HERE.
Connect with our Guests:
Joe Cohan, Author & Entrepreneur
Instagram: @mrbiohacker / @selfdecode
Facebook: @selfdecode
Website: selfdecode.com
Use code PRIMALKITCHEN for 10% off selfdecode.com!